May 11th, 2024

On March 4th, you had a heart attack. I don’t think I’ll ever forget how horrifying and scary it was. Charlie was there, thank God. We’ve been dealing with the after effects of ever since. You are now scheduled for open heart surgery on June 11th, the Tuesday after you graduate from high school. If I think about it too much, I’ll throw up. You, however, are being incredibly stoic, saying that you just want to do it now, get it over with. You said today that it’s going to be a long month. You’re right. 


The following is a continuous list of all the words you've said or pronounced wrong:

  • Veiled - you said "vile-eed"
  • Cajun - you said "ca-hoon".  When asked why, you blamed it on your Spanish class.
  • Bow - you kept pronouncing it like bow and arrow, not take a bow
  • Unadequate - you had a hard time believing that's not a word (11/30/2020)
  • Bike boys - in reference to paper boys
  • Scientifical - "It's a 'scientifical' fact".
  • Psychology - you read it as "physocolgy”
  • "Look how much chips I have". (4/12/2021)
  • Over - you read it as "uver", like "oven". We were looking at birthday candles at the time. Then, when I said that the rest of the candles said "the hill", you said "the hill over?" (5/26/2021)
  • You wanted to say ignorance but you said ignorism (2/10/24)

December 22nd, 2013

You pronounced it “ghee-ant-ee”, not Chianti. 

December 10th, 2023

You thought “Raspberry Beret” was about a girl with a beret with raspberries, or more actually the Carmen Miranda hat from Minions. 

October 26th, 2023

Today we bullied you into skipping basketball practice.  There's no tournament this weekend.  Daddy is making veal, and we all started chanting, "Skip it! Skip it!"  You said we were bad influences, but I think you secretly liked it.

October 21st, 2023

Yesterday you were accepted into college for the first time - Seton Hall.  You had Daddy and Nonna on Facetime while you clicked on the email, letting you know that you got in.  I cried.  I think Daddy did too.  I'm just so proud of you, Magoo.  None of us were expecting to hear from colleges this early, so this was a pleasant surprise.  After you found out you called Papa, then Zio and Goggy and the same time, then Titi, then Uncle Josh, then Michaela, Jules, Auntie Susan, and everyone else we could think of who had some hand in helping you become who you are today.  Everyone was smiling through the phone - you could hear it.  Now we wait for financial aid offers to come through to see where you'll end up this fall.  No matter what, you worked hard for this and we can't wait to see what you do with the opportunities before you.

August 20th, 2023

We’ve just gotten back from a week in Florida looking at colleges. First UT and then UF, which you liked better between the two. I’m hoping that you kick butt this first quarter and that your grades thus far, plus a killer essay, will be enough to get you where you want to go. Although I may not love the school like you do, if it’s what you want, it’s what I want.