
The following is a continuous list of all the words you've said or pronounced wrong:

  • Veiled - you said "vile-eed"
  • Cajun - you said "ca-hoon".  When asked why, you blamed it on your Spanish class.
  • Bow - you kept pronouncing it like bow and arrow, not take a bow
  • Unadequate - you had a hard time believing that's not a word (11/30/2020)
  • Bike boys - in reference to paper boys
  • Scientifical - "It's a 'scientifical' fact".
  • Psychology - you read it as "physocolgy”
  • "Look how much chips I have". (4/12/2021)
  • Over - you read it as "uver", like "oven". We were looking at birthday candles at the time. Then, when I said that the rest of the candles said "the hill", you said "the hill over?" (5/26/2021)
  • You wanted to say ignorance but you said ignorism (2/10/24)